Bob Fifer, Arvada City Councilmember
I was born and raised in El Paso, TX, and moved to Colorado in 1992. Although I always envisioned myself in law enforcement, I attended Metro State College and moved up quickly in management at TCI Cable. I transitioned my career to Qwest/CenturyLink in 1998 and worked there for 15 years. I held several management positions within the company. Some of those positions include Operations, International Engineering, Network Design and Strategic & Tactical Engineering. While working at CenturyLink, my wife and I opened our first business, Downtown Toys & Games. We had a great time tending to our customers and giving back to our community. The economy hit us in 2010 and we were unable to financially sustain the business. In 2013, I moved to Sungard AS, which is a Global Disaster Recovery IT company, where I led several Team in Network and Vendor Management, which included profits & losses, developing executive and strategic business cases.
In the summer 2017, I was at a transportation conference and was stressing the importance of convergence of technology and transportation and how the two could help reduce fatalities and congestion on our roadways. Later that year, I found myself negotiating my “pay cut” to work for the CDOT’s Intelligent Transportation Systems Branch. I was so passionate about CDOT’s mission that it was an easy decision to join them. In this role, I lead a strong Team of employees and contractors that are planning, engineering, operating and maintaining all of electronics and fiber optics within the highway system. I also was involved with programs like autonomous and connected vehicles that one day will be prevalent in all of our communities. In addition, I manage all Public Private Partnerships as it pertains to technology and use of the right of way for fiber optics. These partnerships since joining CDOT have exceed over $100M value to the State with zero State dollars involved.
As an executive leader at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), I direct statewide operations with a focus on strategic planning, policy development, budgeting, and technology-driven innovation. My work encompasses highway and winter operations, emergency management, resource allocation, and infrastructure modernization to enhance safety, efficiency, and mobility across the state. I am passionate about improving safety, reducing delays, and leveraging technology to modernize infrastructure, I am dedicated to advancing CDOT’s mission of delivering a world-class, future-ready transportation system.
I have volunteered for many local organizations, events and youth sports which have recognized me with the President’s Volunteer Service Award. Some of the roles and volunteering opportunities I have had include:
– Board of Directors for Arvada Vitality Alliance (Former Vice President)
– Former Board of Directors for the Arvada Community Food Bank (Former Vice President)
– Serving as 2010 President of Historic Olde Town Arvada (HOTA)
– Former member of Arvada-Jefferson Kiwanis
– Being a member of Arvada Historical Society
– Graduate of the Transit Alliance Citizen’s Academy
– Participant of Colorado’s Future Through Civic Engagement
– Recipient of the APEX Service Excellence Award
– Umpiring & coaching youth baseball
– Managing youth football teams
– Ralston House .5k Endurance Challenge and volunteering committee
– Helping at the Santa House – a program to assist families in need during Christmas
– Working with the Arvada Police Department’s Light Up the Holidays
– Assisting with food drives and fund raising for the Community Table (formerly known as Arvada Community Food Bank)
– Participating in charity events to raise money for several local non-profit organizations that support Arvada citizens.
Through our business, I gained a great experience and a deeper appreciation for small businesses and their hardship through difficult times. From my professional experience to my volunteerism, I able to have rounded and thoughtful discussions to ensure I make sound decisions in the governance and policies of our City, while protecting our charm and character of our community.